Friday, 19 June 2015

how to complain Google about a website with bad or no useful content to remove from Google Search Results

Dear Readers,

What does it feels after clicking on a website shown by Google in search results having no useful content related to your search query or having very bad information related to search query?

Well its really hurt and feels like we have wasted millions $$ time going through a website which really does not have anything related to our search query. At that point of time many of you could be thinking that what the hell this is and is there any way i can remove it from search results or at least I can let Google know about this kind of web pages or websites, so other users should not suffer with same pain which i had, while surfing those kind of pages which were totally irrelevant to searched query.

Well if you are thinking how to complain about Google search results than may be you could not have this kind of option earlier but now have to do so. If you founds any website which is not relevant to search query or have no useful content according to query than you can simply fill a complain at Google web spam to let them know about this kind of web pages.
These are other various types of complaints you can submit at Google Web Spam team for further look up:

This page is selling or buying links.
This page should be removed under applicable law.
This page is inappropriate.
This page discloses private information.
This page is infected.
This page is trying to get sensitive information.
This page abuses Google products other than Search, e.g., AdSense, Google Maps, etc.
This page has other, non-webspam related issues.

So if you want to simply submit complain to Google about a website having good position in Google search results with bad or not useful content than you can use this link or choose above complain type which fit best to your complain. The below details need to be filled by you for further investigation by Google web spam team.

1. Address of specific webpage that is misbehaving

2. Exact query that shows a problem

3. Additional details

So above are basic info which need to be filled to submit a complain regarding any web page showing in Google search results and according to you that’s not worthy to be there due to either web page have nothing related to searched query or have very bad content and still ranking in Google. While submitting the complaint at Google, make sure to provide as much details as you can specially in additional details section as this is the area on which bases Google web spam team cross check how much genuine your complain is and whether they should take further action on that web page or not.

As soon as you will submit the complaint, the Google web spam team will manually review the case on the bases of provided data and if they will find all details correct and if they would think that web page do not deserve in those rankings for any or all search queries than team can simplyremove the web page from Google search results.

So whenever you find any web page having no content, bad content or not useful content than simply make a complain at Google web spam team and if your complain will be genuine the Google team can either remove the web page or can rank down in Google search results.

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